since my last post.
#1- I'm 29 weeks pregnant today. Woot. Only 11 more weeks to go- that's 77 days in case anyone but me is counting. At 17 weeks- right before I left for vacation, we decided to splurge and get a 3/4-D ultrasound to tell us whether we were having a boy or a girl. We rounded the grandma's and aunt up and made it a surprise- fun times. The baby was pretty squirmy, but the tech felt very positive that our final baby was also going to be a boy. I think the girl thought we were crazy when the grandma's both yelled "NO!", but everyone was soon happy enough about Baby Bennett and life went on.
When we went in for our 20 anatomy scan, we went by ourselves since we were just making sure all fingers and toes were accounted for (and they are). Jason and I were talking back and forth about HIM and saying that HE was really a wiggler when the tech asked us if we knew what we were having. We told her we had the 17 week scan and were told boy. I also tossed in that she could feel free to confirm or deny that however she saw fit. Her response: "Well, I'm asking because I'm not seeing anything that indicates that you are having a boy. Everything I am seeing says girl and I've been doing this for 20 years."
Shut. Your. Mouth.
Jason and I are absolutely dumbfounded. I start crying of course, he leans over and asks if she is serious. She insists that she wouldn't even have said anything if she was not 99% sure and offered to have another tech come in and look for us. The other tech assured us that we were indeed having a baby girl. I'm still sobbing BTW. Jas had to take over all communications for me while I sat there and lost my shit.
I had an appointment with my midwife right afterwards and after scaring my mother half to death when she brought the boys to me (what was she supposed to think when I came out of the room in hysterics), I started sending the word out via text. Jason and I were in such a daze when the midwife came in that she asked us what was going on, when we told her we were having, like, the BEST day ever and explained, she was just as excited for us as our friends and family.
Still, it took me every bit of the next month and two more ultrasounds to REALLY believe it. As a matter of fact, last week was the first time I dared to do any shopping for her for fear that she may sprout a penis simply to spite me. I go in for another (and hopefully final) u/s in a few days and will of course, ask them to check again- one can never be too sure, right?!
#2- Around the same time that all this was going down, Little took it upon himself to start potty training. Actually I had about a week that I knew I could devote to really taking him in on time and washing 1,000's of pairs of underwear, so we decided that Friday was the last day for diapers.
To my amazement, we did not have a single accident- he peed in the potty every time. Number 2 was harder and we had a few episodes on the floor (but not in his pants) until he finally figured out that we REALLY weren't going to put a diaper on him and that nothing was going to come out of the toilet and snatch him ass off while he did his business. Since Little is quite possibly one of the most stubborn children I have ever met, I really expected more resistance from him. I am so proud of my big boy!
#3- I'm going to have to put the kabosh on the Plague O Fruit Flies story- it was much more "funny" when I was doing daily battle with them and losing only to realize that a bag of bananas has slipped and fallen down behind our microwave (which was positioned diagonally across a corner) and had become a swapy fruit fly breeding ground. Barf.
Thankfully, our new place has a perfect microwave spot and bananas are now required to be placed on the bakers rack so they can be in full view at all times. Which brings me to my next point- our new place. It happened. Nothing jinxed it and we got moved in with only the normal amount of drama, fighting, exhaustion and confusion that comes with moving. Here is a link to some pictures of our amazing new property. Every morning I wake up and can't believe I *actually* live here. And that it costs a little more than HALF of what I was paying for our shittastic house in the snooty suburbs.
#1- I'm 29 weeks pregnant today. Woot. Only 11 more weeks to go- that's 77 days in case anyone but me is counting. At 17 weeks- right before I left for vacation, we decided to splurge and get a 3/4-D ultrasound to tell us whether we were having a boy or a girl. We rounded the grandma's and aunt up and made it a surprise- fun times. The baby was pretty squirmy, but the tech felt very positive that our final baby was also going to be a boy. I think the girl thought we were crazy when the grandma's both yelled "NO!", but everyone was soon happy enough about Baby Bennett and life went on.
When we went in for our 20 anatomy scan, we went by ourselves since we were just making sure all fingers and toes were accounted for (and they are). Jason and I were talking back and forth about HIM and saying that HE was really a wiggler when the tech asked us if we knew what we were having. We told her we had the 17 week scan and were told boy. I also tossed in that she could feel free to confirm or deny that however she saw fit. Her response: "Well, I'm asking because I'm not seeing anything that indicates that you are having a boy. Everything I am seeing says girl and I've been doing this for 20 years."
Shut. Your. Mouth.
Jason and I are absolutely dumbfounded. I start crying of course, he leans over and asks if she is serious. She insists that she wouldn't even have said anything if she was not 99% sure and offered to have another tech come in and look for us. The other tech assured us that we were indeed having a baby girl. I'm still sobbing BTW. Jas had to take over all communications for me while I sat there and lost my shit.
I had an appointment with my midwife right afterwards and after scaring my mother half to death when she brought the boys to me (what was she supposed to think when I came out of the room in hysterics), I started sending the word out via text. Jason and I were in such a daze when the midwife came in that she asked us what was going on, when we told her we were having, like, the BEST day ever and explained, she was just as excited for us as our friends and family.
Still, it took me every bit of the next month and two more ultrasounds to REALLY believe it. As a matter of fact, last week was the first time I dared to do any shopping for her for fear that she may sprout a penis simply to spite me. I go in for another (and hopefully final) u/s in a few days and will of course, ask them to check again- one can never be too sure, right?!
#2- Around the same time that all this was going down, Little took it upon himself to start potty training. Actually I had about a week that I knew I could devote to really taking him in on time and washing 1,000's of pairs of underwear, so we decided that Friday was the last day for diapers.
To my amazement, we did not have a single accident- he peed in the potty every time. Number 2 was harder and we had a few episodes on the floor (but not in his pants) until he finally figured out that we REALLY weren't going to put a diaper on him and that nothing was going to come out of the toilet and snatch him ass off while he did his business. Since Little is quite possibly one of the most stubborn children I have ever met, I really expected more resistance from him. I am so proud of my big boy!
#3- I'm going to have to put the kabosh on the Plague O Fruit Flies story- it was much more "funny" when I was doing daily battle with them and losing only to realize that a bag of bananas has slipped and fallen down behind our microwave (which was positioned diagonally across a corner) and had become a swapy fruit fly breeding ground. Barf.
Thankfully, our new place has a perfect microwave spot and bananas are now required to be placed on the bakers rack so they can be in full view at all times. Which brings me to my next point- our new place. It happened. Nothing jinxed it and we got moved in with only the normal amount of drama, fighting, exhaustion and confusion that comes with moving. Here is a link to some pictures of our amazing new property. Every morning I wake up and can't believe I *actually* live here. And that it costs a little more than HALF of what I was paying for our shittastic house in the snooty suburbs.
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